Classification of disease of periodontium

 All the questions have been directly picked from Carranza 11th edition


1.      The basis for classification system of periodontal disease as of today is

a.       The clinical features of disease

b.      The concept of classical pathology

c.       Infectious etiology of diseases

d.      All

Ans: C

Dominant paradigm in history of classification system

·         1870 to 1920: The clinical features of disease

o   Classified entirely on the basis of clinical characteristics

o   Little knowledge about etiology and pathology


·         1920 to 1970: The concept of classical pathology

o   This concept was introduced by Gottlieb and Orban which includes

§  Inflammatory

§  Non inflammatory

§  Degenerative

§  Distrophic


·         1970 to present: Infectious etiology of diseases


2.      According to, G.V. Black’s classification of periodontal diseases, 1886, scurvy is classified under,

a.       Constitutional gingivitis

b.      A painful form of gingivitis

c.       Simple gingivitis

d.      Calcic inflammation of the peridental membrane

Ans: A

In 1886, G.V. Black classified periodontal diseases based on their clinical characteristics into five separate groups:

· Constitutional gingivitis: including mercurial gingivitis, potassium iodide gingivitis and scurvy.

 · A painful form of gingivitis: now termed necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG),

· Simple gingivitis: This was associated with the accumulation of debris that eventually led to ‘calcic inflammation of the peridental membrane.’

· Calcic inflammation of the peridental membrane: This was associated with ‘salivary’ and/or ‘serumal’ calculus. Now known as chronic periodontitis.

 · Phagedenic pericementitis (phagedenic = spreading ulcer or necrosis): This condition shared many features with ‘calcic inflammation of the peridental membrane’ but there was an irregular pattern of destruction and not much dental calculus.



3. According to the New Classification Scheme for Periodontal Diseases and Conditions (2017), Less than 2 mm bone loss or CAL over five years, half pack or less per day smoking, HbA1c less than 7 percent, biofilm commen­surate with destruction indicates

a.       No progression

b.      Mild progression

c.       Moderate progression

d.      Rapid progression


Ans: C


4. The new classification by World Workshop (2017) differs from the existing 1999 classification of periodontal diseases and condition by the addition of all of the following except,

a.       Staging of periodontal disease

b.      Grading of Periodontal disease

c.       Classification of peri-implant pathologies

d.      Periodontitis was reclassified as chronic, aggressive (localized and generalized), necrotizing and as a manifestation of systemic disease.


Ans: D

It is the feature of 1999 classification.

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