Defense Mechanism of the Gingiva

 All the questions have been directly picked from Carranza 11th edition

 1.Electronic instrument to measure gingival crevicular fluid

A. Pericheck                                                                               b. Periotemp

c. Perioscan                                                                                 d. Periotron

Ans: d Periotron


2. Gingival crevicular fluid is measured using

a. Whatman’s filter paper                                                       b. pH paper

c. Mylar strip                                                                               d. Litmus paper

Ans: Whatman’s filter paper

GCF can be collected by

-Placing filter paper into the sulcus (Intra crevicular)

-Placing filter paper at the entrance of sulcus (Extra crevicular)


3.Gingival crevicular fluid is increased in all except

a. gingivitis                                                                           b. Smoking

c. Periodontal pocket                                                          d. trauma from occlusion

Ans: d. Trauma from occlusion

GCF is increased on mastication of coarse foods, tooth brushing and gingival massage, ovulation, hormonal contraceptives and smoking.


4.Drugs that reaches maximum concentration in   GCF

a. Tetracycline                                                                            b. Penicillin

C. erythromycin                                                                            d. Sulphonamide

Ans: a Tetracycline

Tetracycline reaches maximum concentration 2-10 times (Average 7 times) that of plasma.


5.Glucose levels in gingival crevicular fluid is

a.      equal to glucose level in serum

b.      Zero

c.       3-4times greater than serum

d.      More than 10 times the serum levels


Ans: c. 3-4times greater than serum levels



6.Approximate amount of gingival fluid projected in 1 day into the oral cavity is

a.1.5-2.5ml per day                                                                        b.2.5-3.5ml per day

c.0.5-2.4ml per day                                                                           d.0.5-4.2ml per day

Ans:0.5-2.4ml per day

7. Drug detected in GCF is/are

a. Tetracycline                                                                             b. Metronidazole

c. Both                                                                                            d. None

Ans: c  Both

8.Which of the following is not secreted in GCF

a.      Spiramycin

b.      Erythromycin

c.       Tetracycline

d.      Metronidazole

Ans: b Erythromycin

Erythromycin does not concentrate in GCF and is not effective against most putative periodontal pathogens.


9.Which of the following leukocytes is not found in crevicluar fluid?

a.      PMN

b.      Macrophage

c.       Lymphocyte

d.      basophil

Ans: d basophil


10. Approximate amount of gingival fluid projected in 1 day into the oral cavity is

a.1.5-2.5ml per day                                                                        b.2.5-3.5ml per day

c.0.5-2.4ml per day                                                                           d.0.5-4.2ml per day

Ans:0.5-2.4ml per day

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