Gingival Curettage

 All the questions have been directly picked from Carranza 11th edition

 1.      The curettage of the mesial surface of the molars is done by Gracey #

a.       11-12

b.      13-14

c.       9-10

d.      7-8


Ans: B

·         Since the curettage procedures require opposite angulation than that of the root planing, the Gracey curettes are exchanged.



2.      False regarding ENAP

a.       Stands for excisional New Attachment Procedure

b.      Developed by US Naval Dental Corps

c.       Gracey curettes are used to excise granulation tissues.

d.      An internal bevel incision is the first step


Ans: C

·         A knife is used to excise the granulation tissue. Curettes are used to remove excised granulation tissue only.


3.      Microcauterization is seen with

a.       Chemical curettage

b.      Ultrasonic curettage

c.       Classical curettage

d.      ENAP


Ans: B

·         Ultrasound is effective for debriding the epithelial lining of periodontal pockets. This results in a narrow band of necrotic tissue (microcauterization), which strips off the inner lining of the pocket.

·         Morse scaler-shaped and rod-shaped ultrasonic instruments are used for this purpose.


4.      Healing after gingival curettage occurs by

a.       Reattachment

b.      New attachment

c.       Long junctional epithelium

d.      Regeneration


Ans: C

·         Restoration and epithelialization of the sulcus generally require 2 to 7 days

·         Restoration of the junctional epithelium occurs as early as 5 days after treatment.

·         Immature collagen fibers appear within 21 days.

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