Local Drug Delivery

 All the questions have been directly picked from Carranza 11th edition

 1.      Not true about doxycycline

a.       recommended dosage when used as an antiinfective agent is 100 mg bid the first day, then 100 mg once a day

b.      To reduce GI upset, 50 mg can be taken bid

c.       sub-antimicrobial dose (to inhibit collagenase), doxycycline is recommended in a 20-mg dose twice daily

d.      all are true

ans: D


2.      Metronidazole alone is not effective against

a.       A. actinomycetemcomitans

b.      Porphyromonas gingivalis

c.       Prevotella intermedia

d.      Treatment of ANUG

Ans: A


·         It is bactericidal to anaerobic organisms and is believed to disrupt bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in conditions with a low reduction potential.

·         Metronidazole should not be administered as monotherapy. 

·         When combined with amoxicillin or amoxicillin–clavulanate potassium (Augmentin), metronidazole may be of value in the management of patients with LAP or refractory periodontitis

·         Metronidazole is not the drug of choice for treating A. actinomycetemcomitans infections.

·         metronidazole is effective against A. actinomycetemcomitans when used in combination with other antibiotics

·         Metronidazole is effective against anaerobes such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia


3.      The only antibiotic in periodontal therapy to which all strains of A. actinomycetemcomitans are susceptible is

a.       Clavulanic acid

b.      Cephalosporin

c.       Doxycycline

d.      Ciprofloxacin

Ans: D


 Ciprofloxacin inhibit the metabolism of theophylline, and caffeine and concurrent administration can produce toxicity.


4.      Drugs that should not be combined to produce desired effect

a.       Amoxicillin-clavulinic acid

b.      Amoxicillin-metronidazole

c.       Amoxicillin-Tetracycline

d.      Metronidazole-ciprofloxacin

Ans: C

·    Hint✅🔑 

      Antibiotics that are bacteriostatic (e.g., tetracycline) generally require rapidly dividing microorganisms to be effective. They do not function well if a bactericidal antibiotic (e.g., amoxicillin) is given concurrently.

·         When both types of drugs are required, they are best given serially, not in combination.

·         The most effective combination is metronidazole conjunction with amoxicillin or Augmentin on a daily basis for 1 to 2 weeks.


5.      The use of antibiotics to treat plaque induced gingival diseases is

a.       Done after scaling and root planing

b.      Done before scaling and root planing

c.       Done before and after scaling and root planing

d.      Contraindicated

Ans: D

·    Hint✅🔑 

      The use of antibiotics to treat gingival diseases is contraindicated since it is a local infection that can be easily treated with scaling and appropriate home care by the patient


6.      Local drug delivery is not preferred when

a.       probing depths greater than 5 mm with inflammation still present after conventional therapy.

b.      multiple sites present in the same quadrant

c.       barrier membranes are placed

d.      patient is medically compromised

Ans: B

7.      2% minocycline as local delivery agent is available as

a.       Atridox

b.      Periochip

c.       Arestin

d.      Periogard

Ans: C


·         Atridox: 10% subgingival doxycycline

·         Periochip: subgingival CHX

·         Periogard: oral rinse of CHX


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